Spa Services

Our Posh Baby
Signature treatment which includes hydrotherapy, massage, haircut and nail cut.
Hydrotherapy and Massage
For about 15-20 minutes, your baby will be in our tub for a relaxing hydrotherapy session, followed by 15-20 minutes massage session.
Will last around 15-20 minutes your baby will experience comforting massage by our highly trained technicians.
Hair Services

Hair Trim
Get a Hair Trim by one of our highly experienced technicians!
Hair Cut
Will last around 15-20 minutes your baby will experience comforting hair cut by our highly trained technicians.
Fringe Cut
Cut of child front fringe.
We can do almost any style you like for #OurPoshBaby let us know what you would like and we will take care of it.
Organic Hair Treatment
We have created exclusive organic hair treatments including aloe vera and coconut for different types of hair.
Nail Services

Nail Cut
Includes cutting/filling nails for newborns only.
Will last around 15-20 minutes your baby will experience comforting manicure by our highly trained technicians.
Will last around 15-20 minutes your baby will experience a comforting pedicure by our highly trained technicians.
Manicure & Pedicure
Why not pamper your little girl with manicure & pedicure session, she will get to choose her favorite shade of nail polish.